Pilates Makes You Happy

It’s true, Pilates does make you happy. This was not news to me, having done Pilates for over a decade and seeing the effect it has on multiple people both mentally and physically is proof enough.

However, it’s always good to see the results in a scientific study.


This one particular study focused on maturer ladies of 62 and over who did Pilates for 8 weeks, 3 sessions a week.

The study looked to see what the influence of Pilates was on depression and happiness. Pilates was found to positively effect depression and happiness in this group.

There are a number of reasons I believe Pilates makes you feel good. You should focus on your movement, your breathing and being present in the moment. This mindful movement enables you to switch off from normal day to day worries or thoughts and gives your brain a break.

This of course is easier said than done. When we have a lot on our mind it’s hard to switch off. Just try to focus on your breath, where the breath is coming in and out of the body and breathing with the movement.

There is also the positive physical effects of Pilates, strengthening, toning your body, making you feel better about your body. All these things make you feel good.

Coming to a class and being out of your home environment, meeting people and perhaps friends all contribute to overall happiness.

So if you haven’t tried it yet, give it a go, increase your happiness with Pilates.

See my venues and online classes at https://www.nrgizepilates.com/venues


What is Pilates